Periodontal Disease: What Is It

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A National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research study reveals that 42.2% of adults aged 30 years or older in the United States have periodontal disease.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease is more prevalent in men (56.4%) than women (38.4%).

Periodontal disease causes the gums to swell and bleed. In severe cases, you may lose your teeth. We’ve put together this guide to show you how to prevent and treat it. So, let’s get to it!


First things first! What is periodontal disease? It is a gum disease resulting from gum infections and inflammation. In the early stages, it is called gingivitis, and in the advanced stages, it is called periodontitis.

Bacteria in the mouth cause it. The bacteria infects tissues around the tooth, resulting in tissue inflammation.

The bacteria stay on the teeth and form a plaque, which hardens to tartar after a long time. The tartar builds up with time and spreads to the gum, making it a hurdle to clean the teeth.

Your chances of suffering this disease increase when;

  • You smoke
  • Have diabetes
  • Have poor oral hygiene
  • You’re stressed
  • Have crooked teeth
  • You experience hormonal changes, especially in women


Periodontal disease is a threat to your teeth, especially when it develops into periodontitis. The good news is that you can prevent it. And, if you already have the disease, you can treat it. Below are the prevention and treatment measures.

It’s best to keep periodontal disease away by maintaining high oral hygiene standards. Regular professional teeth cleaning also goes a long way, and it moves the needle, especially when dealing with less severe gingivitis.

You should brush your teeth after every main meal as a rule of thumb. This helps remove the bacteria causing periodontal disease from your teeth and gums.

Severe periodontitis requires quick medical intervention. Deep cleaning and medication are the sure way to treat it.

Regular checkups also go a long way. So, you want to book an appointment with a dentist once in a while. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions regarding your oral health!