Improve Your Smile With Veneers

 In Dental Care

Maintaining a perfect smile boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem. When you feel great about yourself, you can put your best foot forward in life. Veneers are the ideal way to improve your smile’s appearance. Here’s what you need to know about them, their advantages, and other beneficial information.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are natural-looking, thin, porcelain, or resin covers that adhere to the front of your teeth. These thin covers are a reliable solution for teeth that are misshapen or chipped. Veneers can also be a solution for gaps between the teeth. Dental veneers give your teeth a classic appearance. At Wytheville Dental Group, we provide a variety of dental services that help you look and feel your best.

Who Is A Candidate?

Veneers are the ideal solution if your teeth:

  • Are severely stained
  • Have minor cosmetic issues
  • Have multiple cosmetic issues

You are also a candidate if you’ve maintained overall good oral health and you have plenty of tooth enamel.

What Are the Different Types?

The two different types of veneers are porcelain and composite resin veneers.


These are a custom-made, thin shell that fits on the surface of the tooth. They also:

  • Don’t stain easily
  • Are long-lasting
  • Strong
  • Feature a natural appearance
  • Requires little tooth enamel than a cap or crown
Composite Resin

These are filling material that matches the color of your natural teeth. These are bonded to the surface of your teeth. Composite resin:

  • Require less tooth enamel than porcelain veneers
  • Can take only one dentist visit to complete
  • Are a budget-friendly option
  • Are easily and quickly applied if they become damaged

A healthy smile extends beyond having perfectly white teeth. Here at Wytheville Dental Group, we dedicate our dental expertise to helping you maintain excellent oral health. A few of our specialties also include preventative care, extractions, complete dental rehabilitation, and other services. Contact us to learn more about our dental services and how they can help improve your overall health. We look forward to speaking with you!